Rescue Program
Due to our extensive work with local and county animal shelters, as well as our ongoing surrender intake, we are running at our capacity. While surrendering a bunny to us is still possible, you may have a wait of at least 30 to 60 days before we will have room for your bunny. We will consider emergency situations on a case-by-case basis.
We urge you to do everything you can to make your bunny work within its current home. It is very stressful for bunnies to have to leave everything they’ve known and enter into a world of an uncertain future. We can try our best to help you modify your current situation. Sometimes something simple can make a big difference, like litterbox training your bunny!
If you would like to join our waiting list, we’ll ask you to fill out our form below and include all information about the bunny. This includes being able to provide a current photo of the bunny as well as a description of its personality, age, and health.

Do not release your domesticated bunny into the wild.​
If you currently have a domestic bunny that you no longer want or feel you can no longer care for and are considering releasing them into the wild, please do not do it! Consider the following before you act:
Pet bunnies are domesticated – that means they cannot survive if abandoned in the wild.
Domesticated bunnies are more prone to predators because they're accustomed to being in a safe environment.
The diet of a domestic bunny is radically different from wild bunnies. Domestic bunnies do not know what food is safe in the wild.
Releasing your domesticated bunny into the wild will also cause them a lot of stress, and that too can also kill them.
Domesticated bunnies are not used to the weather conditions that wild bunnies can endure.
Domesticated bunnies have little to no wild instincts. They would not know where to go or where to hide.
If the bunny were to get injured or injure itself, it would be instant prey to a predator.
There are ticks and other nasty parasites in the wild. Domesticated bunnies have no defense against the viruses left by an insect bite.
Your bunny deserves all the love and attention you promised to give it when you first got it. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of it, just as parents care for their children. It is up to you, the bunnies owner and companion, to make sure that it lives a full and healthy life. Abandoning them out in the wild is not what your bunny deserves. If you abandon your bunny in the wild, you are giving them a death sentence. PLEASE – consider other options and contact us.
If your bunny was previously adopted from Bunnyland305
Our adoption agreement states that you must return your bunny to Bunnyland305 if you are no longer able to care for them. Please contact us about the return. Please note: Returns are not refundable. You can view a copy of our adoption agreement here.
Emergency bunny services
If your bunny needs medical attention, please call your bunnies veterinarian or visit our veterinary service page.
Please note that our veterinary only serves the Miami Dade County area.